Exciting opportunity! INFUSE 2024 Call for Innovations in Global Health

Application deadline: March 15, 2024

Project Last Mile is a partner to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance for INFUSE 2024, a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing health systems and immunization delivery worldwide. As part of our commitment to supporting successful candidates, we are offering technical assistance to drive innovation and resilience in the face of climate-related challenges.

What is INFUSE?

INFUSE, short for Innovation for Uptake, Scale, and Equity in Immunisation, is a Gavi-led initiative to scale up groundbreaking global health solutions. The goal is to connect high-impact innovations with the countries that need them most, fostering resilient and climate-adaptive responses to health threats.

Since its inception, INFUSE has cultivated a community of global health innovators, including 21 INFUSE Pacesetters dedicated to overcoming vaccine delivery challenges. These pioneers, like Nexleaf and Zipline, have revolutionized vaccine supply chain monitoring and drone delivery, contributing to unprecedented successes in global health.

The Challenge: Climate Change and Immunisation

Climate change poses significant threats to health systems, making immunization a critical adaptation strategy. With estimated direct damage costs of $2-4 billion per year by 2030, the urgency to address climate-related health challenges is paramount. Immunization not only prevents infections but also builds community resilience against climate-sensitive diseases.

The opportunity: INFUSE 2024 call for innovations

Gavi, through INFUSE 2024, is actively seeking groundbreaking solutions to modernize health systems, particularly those addressing climate change challenges.

The call for innovations invites proposals in three key areas:

1. Green Health Care Solutions: Innovations reducing energy consumption and emissions, especially in last-mile delivery, and improving healthcare waste management.

2. Capacity-building for Climate-Adaptive Health Care: Solutions empowering frontline health workers to identify, mitigate, and respond to climate-related health threats.

3. Climate-Resilient Vaccine Distribution: Approaches or data solutions enabling efficient vaccine delivery in the face of climate-related challenges, reaching displaced populations in fragility and emergencies.

Application deadline: March 15, 2024

If you have a proven solution that aligns with these thematic areas, apply before the deadline. Applications will be assessed based on various criteria, including cost-effectiveness, impact, adaptability, and collaboration with respected partners.

For more details and to apply, visit https://lnkd.in/dTskCyFR  #INFUSE2024 #GlobalHealthInnovation #ClimateResilience #Immunization