November 2021 – present
Funded by The Global Fund, Project Last Mile supported Mozambique’s National AIDS Council to implement the National Condoms Strategy, which is aimed at addressing challenges related to condom usage and accessibility.
Drawing upon best practices from the private sector, particularly The Coca-Cola System, Project Last Mile devised an integrated route-to-market and demand creation strategy with a client-centric focus to increase access to, availability of, and demand for condoms across the country.
The effectiveness of this approach was tested in a six-month pilot conducted in Boane district from 2022 to 2023, which was then extended until March 2024.

- A 43% increase in active access points distributing free government condoms, primarily through nontraditional and decentralized channels like taverns or spaza shops.
- There were positive shifts in condom awareness, attitudes, and behaviors among the target population, including an 18% increase in knowledge about where to obtain free government condoms, a 29% rise in belief in the efficacy of these condoms, and 32% indicating usage of free condoms.
- 1.2 million condoms were distributed during the pilot period, marking a substantial 243% rise from the baseline average of 76,756 condoms per month to an average of 200,000 per month during the pilot.
- Six months after campaign launch, 82% of Boane residents were aware of the campaign.

This information originally appeared in the 2023 Annual Report.